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In the Fall of 1974, former members of the Jamison Temple CME Church, under the leadership of the late Rev. Melvin Harrison, disbanded and organized the Independent Church.  Its members met in multiple locations until they found the little church on the hill in November 1974.  Its members met with Rev. Alvin Dixon of Paseo Baptist Church after the pastor resigned in 1976.  After one year of pastoring the congregation, Rev. Dixon decided to step down as pastor and leave the fellowship.


During this time there were 28 active members with 30 on the roll.  Through word of mouth, Reverend Price Ellis, the associate pastor of St. Stephen Baptist Church was invited to the church by the late Brother Charles King.  On Sunday, February 12, 1978, Pastor Ellis came to us as a visiting minister.  Brother King would faithfully call Pastor Ellis to see if he would be available to render the Sunday services.  After a while, he no longer needed to be contacted, Pastor Ells would automatically show up. 


In March of 1978, the members gathered together and agreed to ask Pastor Ellis to be the pastor of Independent Methodist Church.  He advised the members he was a Baptist, and had no intention in converting to Methodist.  As his beliefs were strong, Pastor Ellis did not force or encourage the congregation to change their Methodist faith as the decision would be solely on the members.  After praying and meditating, the congregation made the decision to become a Baptist fellowship. 


Cleveland Avenue Baptist Church (CABC) was organized on May 8, 1978 and Pastor Ellis accepted the job as pastor.  Under his magnificent leadership, we grew in size, Christian knowledge, and grace over the past 39 years.


We continue to enjoy the goodness of God and have been blessed to grow a variety of ministries within the church.  As we reflect on our rich history, we do so with deep sense of thanksgiving and enlightenment from where we have come.  And we look to the future with an abiding faith and a prayer for God's grace and guidance.


our ministerial staff
Pastor Harrison Jackson

Senior Pastor


Pastor Price Ellis

Pastor Emeritus


Minister Michael Hancock

Associate Minister


Minister Norman Woodley

Associate Minister

"Kingdom Men" Men's Ministry

Minister William Hawkins

Associate Minister


our administrative staff
Vonnie pic_edited.jpg
Yvonne Woodley

Pastors Administrative Assistant /

Church Administrator

Alan Hill

Maintenance Director

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